Level 5 Extended Diploma in Business and Management
The Level 5 Extended Diploma in Business is a 120-credit Ofqual regulated qualification and is the equivalent level to the second year of a bachelor’s degree. It has been designed for learners who wish to progress to a business or management degree and may not have the traditional entry qualifications usually required.
We also offer a larger, 120-credit qualification in Business and Management at this level.
At a glance
Graded with Pass, Merit and Distinction
Comes with 16 optional units
Progression to a bachelor degree at a range of university partners
1200 learning hours, usually studied over an academic year
Designed with support from universities
Can be delivered in the classroom, by distance or by blended learning.
There are three different sized qualifications. If you study the 120-credit extended diploma then you must study all 5 mandatory units and pick 3 optional units. If you study the 60-credit diploma then you must study all 3 mandatory units and 1 optional unit. The 30-credit certificate requires you to study any two of the units from the 60-credit diploma.
Mandatory Units (for the 120-credit extended diploma)
Managing Communication
Business Organisations in a Global Context
People Management
Finance for Managers
Research Project
Mandatory Units (for the 60-credit diploma)
Managing Communication
Business Organisations in a Global Context
People Management
Optional Units
Managing Stakeholder Engagement
Risk Management
Leading Organisational
Equality and Diversity
Corporate Social Responsibility
Manage Sustainability in an Organisation
Resource Management
Administrative Services
Planning a Work Based Team Project
Marketing Principles and Practice
Planning a New Business Venture
Customer Relationship Management
Employability Skills
Business Ethics
Personal and Professional Development
Business Law
Progression Routes
You can progress to a bachelor degree top-up from the Level 5 Extended Diploma in Management.
Entry Criteria
These qualifications provide a flexible route for learners who have already achieved management qualifications at a lower level, as well as for learners who do not have business or management qualifications but may have qualifications in other areas and/or prior management experience in the workplace.
Age: 19 +
Entry profile:
prior study in business, the management or related subjects at level 4 or above a level 4 qualification, for example, an Level 4 Extended Diploma in Management or a Level 4 Diploma in Business and Administrative Management
other equivalent international qualifications