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Learn employment skills for the job market.
LSLS offers skill development courses to secure a good job

MS Office 

LSLS offers MS Office for beginners to enable them to use soft skills at work with confidence. 

Our trainers help learners to learn from beginning and achieve desirable skills to get success in job interview and at work with confidence.

MS Office course includes highlight of Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Outlook. This course helps an ordinary learners to get required MS Office skills for an administrative job. 

LSLS accepting application for MS Office course.


Neat Computer Desk

CV Writing 

A good CV demonstrates the skills of a candidate in front of employer. 

LSLS offers a CV writing skill course to help candidates to demonstrate their abilities properly to achieve desired position.

CV Writing Skills includes the different format of CV. Writing and review of a good CV which contain relevant information to secure a job.

LSLS accepting application for CV Writing Course

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